Alphabet Job List
for Attendance you put the cards
In an envelope that¡¦s not hard.
for Books keep them neat
In our library where others meet.
Cafeteria make sure at lunch
That we have a well mannered bunch.
for Door Holder hold the door
Until there are kids no more.
for Emergency watch the kids outside
So everyone is safe when they play and ride.
Folders pass them out by the name
Be sure the child and name are the same.
for Graph help place the names
For our math and alphabet games.
for Hallway waiting for school to begin
Check our line over and over again.
Ideas that the children would like to share
Tell the teacher during rest time dear.
for Juice make
sure everyone has some
Or get a box for your kindergarten chum.
for Kitchen make sure it¡¦s clean
There¡¦s a daily inspection and routine.
for Line Leader the head of the line
Showing us the way looking for the signs.
for Messengers
always in a pair
To stay together everywhere.
for No tally to
count and record
How many no¡¦s tally on the board?
for On and Off the television and lights
When we¡¦re not here late afternoon and nights.
for Peacemaker get the mat out
So they can talk peacefully and not shout.
for Questions that you do not understand
Tell the question person by raising your hand.
for Rest time help keep quiet and peace
Children can rest and noise will cease.
for Student of the week our star
You shine bright near and far.
for Tables neat and in order
With chairs stacked by the border.
for Underlining on our charts
For letters and words to stand apart.
for Volunteer when the teacher in need
Special things brought to her quickly indeed.
for Wall graphs have the gadgets
In the correct colored baskets.
for Xtra in case your not there
Someone will help and share.
for Yes tally to count and record
How many yes¡¦s tally on the board.
for Zippers that are hard to zip
So they won¡¦t break, tear, or rip.
by Mrs. Alphabet
Last updated 2001.2.11
Alphabet Job List